terrorism Archive

  • Parliament backs EU directive on use of Passenger Name Records (PNR)

    The new directive regulating the use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data in the EU for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime was approved by Parliament on Thursday. It will oblige airlines to hand national authorities passengers’ data for […]

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  • Europol: deal on new powers to step up EU police cooperation and fight terrorism

    New powers in EU politician’s hands: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/fi/news-room/content/20151130IPR05456/html/Europol-deal-on-new-powers-to-step-up-EU-police-cooperation-and-fight-terrorism The EU police agency Europol will be able to step up efforts to fight terrorism, cybercrime and other criminal offences and respond faster, thanks to a deal struck by Parliament and Council on new governance rules endorsed by […]

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  • Clean IT Project is now alive

    Here you can download the final document. It was presented to EU Counter Terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove at Clean IT’s final symposium on January 30th in Brussels. 110 participants from governments (25%), the Internet/technology industry (37%), NGO’s and end-users (11%), academics (15%) and law enforcement agencies (12%) […]

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  • Clean IT Project

    Latest version (August 2012) Clean IT draft document: CLEAN-IT-DRAFT-DOCUMENT-066Pub. From CleanIT Project is open for comments: editorialboard@cleanITproject.eu The internet plays a central role in and is of great strategic importance to terrorists and extremist networks. These networks know that propaganda is a critical tool for generating […]

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