Python Archive

  • Turnkey Linux Applications List

    turnkey-appengine-go-12.0 turnkey-appengine-java-12.0 turnkey-appengine-python-12.0 turnkey-appflower-12.0 turnkey-asp-net-apache-12.0 turnkey-b2evolution-12.0 turnkey-bambooinvoice-12.0 turnkey-bugzilla-12.0 turnkey-cakephp-12.0 turnkey-canvas-12.0 turnkey-clipbucket-12.0 turnkey-codeigniter-12.0 turnkey-collabtive-12.0 turnkey-concrete5-12.0 turnkey-core-12.0 turnkey-couchdb-12.0 turnkey-deki-12.0 turnkey-django-12.0 turnkey-dokuwiki-12.0 turnkey-domain-controller-12.0 turnkey-drupal6-12.0 turnkey-drupal7-12.0 turnkey-e107-12.0 turnkey-ejabberd-12.0 turnkey-elgg-12.0 turnkey-etherpad-12.0 turnkey-ezpublish-12.0 turnkey-fileserver-12.0 turnkey-gallery-12.0 turnkey-gitlab-12.0 turnkey-icescrum-12.0 turnkey-jenkins-12.0 turnkey-joomla15-12.0 turnkey-joomla25-12.0 turnkey-lamp-12.0 turnkey-lapp-12.0 turnkey-lighttpd-php-fastcgi-12.0 turnkey-limesurvey-12.0 turnkey-magento-12.0 turnkey-mahara-12.0 turnkey-mambo-12.0 turnkey-mantis-12.0 turnkey-mediawiki-12.0 turnkey-mibew-12.0 turnkey-moinmoin-12.0 […]

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  • Django-High-level Python Web Framework

    Django makes it easier to build better Web apps more quickly and with less code. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed to handle two challenges: the intensive […]

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  • LAMP Stack Appliance

    LAMP is a popular open source web platform commonly used to run dynamic web sites and servers. It includes Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl and is considered by many the platform of choice for development and deployment of high performance web applications which require a […]

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  • PostgreSQL Application- Object-relational Database System

    PostgreSQL is a fully featured object-relational database with many enterprise features: ACID transactions, inheritance, unicode and strong support for the SQL-92 standard including  subqueries, views, outer joins, foreign keys, sequences and triggers. It is also highly extensible and allows users to define internal functions in […]

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