Turnkey Apps: MediaWiki – Wikipedia’s Wiki Engine


MediaWiki is a powerful wiki engine that was originally developed to serve the needs of Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia. It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis online,  while privately it is being increasingly deployed inside company Intranets as a knowledge and content management system.

This appliance includes all the standard features inTurnKey Core, and on top of that:

  • SSL support out of the box.
  • Postfix MTA (bound to localhost) to allow sending of email (e.g., password recovery, user registration)
  • PHPMyAdmin administration frontend for MySQL (listening on port 12322 – uses SSL).
  • Webmin modules for configuring Apache2, PHP and MySQL.
  • The MediaWiki database password and secret will be regenerated during installation (security)
  • Useful/popular extensions included and enabled by default (/etc/mediawiki/extensions.php)
  • MediaWiki is configured to ensure clean and compliant HTML ($wgUseTidy).
  • File uploading and image resizing is supported out of the box (GD library)
    • Maximum filesize: 2MB
    • Supported file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg