13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs
July 11-13, 2012; Pre-Conference July 09-10, 2012
University of Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Special Thematic Sessions
ICCHP once again wants to improve the quality of the programme, the proceedings and the presentations. The concept of Special Thematic Session (STS) are provided to support this work towards excellence in AT R&D as sessions tend to become more focused, readable and understandable. An STS presents a detailed and comprehensive view to specific topics.
Therefore we invite distinguised experts to organise and chair an STS at ICCHP. STS chair(s)
- define(s) a comprehensive topic
- set(s) up a description on his own web space or at icchp.org
- motivate(s) to get interesting submisisons for the session
- write(s) an introduction (up to 4 pages) as a summary to the topic and the presentations
- plan(s) the programme of the STS and chairs the session(s).
An introduction by the chair as a free publication in the proceedings will recognize these efforts.
Session overview
Detailed program for Wednesday
Detailed program for Thursday
Detailed program for Friday